


Lecture (ar)

Lecture (fr)

Mathématiques (fr)

Mathematics (en)

Sciences (fr)

Science (en)


Aquarium is a collection for Grades 1, 2 and 3. It aims to initiate students into the scientific approach and provides them with clear answers about their surroundings. It is part of the constructivist theory of knowledge where the students, guided by the teacher and encouraged to interact with their peers, use knowledge, know-how and social skills that are supported by this program and appropriate for their age.

Aquarium is organized into five parts; each devoted to a particular scientific field (Earth and the Universe, Animals and Their Environment, Plants and Their Environment, Man and His Health, Matter and Energy) and each containing four to six chapters. In each chapter, students, as apprentice researchers, are led to question, observe, find, experiment, discover and relate data in order to find answers to their questions.

Aquarium offers a variety of learning activities (Search, Memorize, Apply), easily achievable classroom experiments without specialized materials (Laborium), word and specific terminology definitions (Dicorium), as well as information to deepen the students’ knowledge (Inforium). These elements are presented in a coherent and interrelated way to allow students to gradually build their knowledge. Moreover, the digital activities included help in making the learning process more successful by reinforcing the previously learning concept. Additional exercises are suggested and can be used in the Teacher’s Guide for further evaluation.

Aquarium contributes to the education for sustainable development by raising awareness of current and future problems, through hands-on activities and scientific projects.

The authors